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RE: [cdt-debug-dev] [Bug 104421] Register view can not show correctvalue when switch between different thread or stack frame

Ugh…  viewing the registers as you walk the stack is a pretty core thing to do for us.  Can you detail roughly what would have to change?




Chris Recoskie

Software Designer

IDE Frameworks Group

Texas Instruments, Toronto



From: cdt-debug-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-debug-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mikhail Khodjaiants
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:21 PM
To: cdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cdt-debug-dev] [Bug 104421] Register view can not show correctvalue when switch between different thread or stack frame




Alain and I have investigated several solutions for this problem and have come to conclusion that serious changes (in the CDI interface and the core implementation) are needed to fix it.

The problem is serious and the only workaround is to view the correct value in the detail pane of the Registers view. Nevertheless, we are suggesting to defer it.

Comments? Suggestions?



Mikhail Khodjaiants

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