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[cdt-debug-dev] Using CDT as avr-gdb frontent for AVR target platforms

>This one will break things.  Needs more evaluation.

Was the patch helpful?

I don't speak CDT well enough to provide complete patches for such large
changes. Sorry.

If something along the lines of said patch is done, then CDT should add
support for determining when it goes from "idle" to "attached to
target". This would be necessary to e.g. reestablishing breakpoints. 

It would probably be useful to see how DDD handles this.

>This is still subject to heavy debate on this side of the pound.

Great! I saw no response to my posts. I'm glad to hear the matter is
being discussed! :-)

>About the "right" way to handle all of those targets cleanly
>whithout bloating the CDT.  

I think CDT could be much improved by deleting code:

- Do as Insight/DDD/GDB command line does. This approach is
battle-proven. Start up in idle mode and let the user type GDB commands
to set up the target.
- Don't hide the GDB command line! Be proud! Show it to the world! :-)
- Delete all "GDB Server", "GDB Debugger" and "CygWin Debugger", etc.
There is no need to distinguish between these targets. GDB does the job
- "Attach to running process" should not be a startup option, but a
button for issuing "attach 2342" to GDB anytime. There is a requester to
pick the process number.
- I think there was a couple of more redundant buttons which could be
dealt with along the lines of "attach to running process".
>The first approach, provide your
>launch and entry point seems to be to much for the casual
>users "who just want to run gdb on there XXX cpu".

Could I bother you for a rephrasing? I don't understand.

Øyvind Harboe

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