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[cdt-debug-dev] Silent Failures When Watchpoint Cannot be Set

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Currently, CDT (v1.2.1), watchpoint representation could be misleading.  When CDT fails to
install a watchpoint in GDB or when a watchpoint is removed by GDB, the watchpoint
still shows itself as being enabled in the breakpoint view.  In reality, that watchpoint
is not there and will no longer function.  So it should either be deleted or be shown
as disabled by CDT.  Right now it still appears as enabled in the breakpoint view.
This happens when one is setting up a watchpoint for a local variable and I find
the global variable watchpoint to behave correctly.
In current CDT (1.2.1), watchpoint on a local variable can only be set when the variable
is in view of the execution thread as GDB allows only local variable watchpoint
to be set in such a way.  The consequence is that
once the variable is outside the scope of the thread, or when the program terminates,
the local variable watchpoint is silently deleted in GDB.  However, that watchpoint
still shows up in CDT's watchpoint view and will not get re-installed again.
As a side note, I wonder if local variable watchpoint could be made
more user friendly.  Usually I have to set a breakpoint at the place when the variable being
watched is in scope and set the watchpoint when the breakpoint hits.  Once the variable is
out of scope, the process will have to be repeated to set the watchpoint again.  If the local
variable occurs within a function getting called mutiple times, then things are pretty much
impossible.  It will be nice if CDT could automate the process to reinstall local variable watchpoint
into GDB.
Tim Chen
The opinions are mine only.  They do not reflect the view of my employer.

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