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Re: [cdt-debug-dev] cdt debug threading model

> Hi,
> Could someone please explain the threading model used in the cdt debugger 
> plugin? How many (and which) threads may run commands in the target 
> debugger executable? Does the plugin run single-threaded or cooperatively 
> threaded?
> I fear that I am seeing multiple threads attempting to access the 
> debugger(gdb) and the UI at the same time...

I can explain for the CDI/MI/gdb part:
When an mi session is started 3 threads are created:

	TxThread (Posting MI command to gdb)
	RxThread (Receeving Parsing MI command from gdb)
	EventThread (processing/dispatching events  to any listeners)

Commands are posted in a queue monitor by the TxThread
	miSession.postCommand(new MIBreakInsert("main"));
This will wake up the TxThread who will send the cmd to gdb,
it synchronizes by wait()ing, default is 10 secs..

	1-break-insert main

If everything goes according to plan(gdb does not hang), the
receiving thread(RxThread) will wake up when a response comes in


parses it and wakes the sleeping command(send a notifyAll()).

Perhaps, what you are seeing are commands timing out,
It is possible to force a complete sync by changing the timeout,
try to put it to a big number 100000000,
see; and change the value.

The debuguer will also start 2 other threads, monitoring
the output and the input of the inferior, the stream monitors. 

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