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Re: [cbi-dev] List of Eclipse mirror sites?

On 03/31/2017 12:59 PM, Carl Anderson wrote:


We have a user of one of IBM's Eclipse-based products that is having issues installing anything. I just got a .log file from them, and it appears that they are being redirected to http://xxxx for everything- is that one of the "official" mirror sites for Eclipse? If so, it is down, and needs to be removed. Along these same lines, is there somewhere that I can look to see the official mirror sites, so that I can more quickly determine an issue like this?


- Carl Anderson
WTP Releng Project lead

[I have sent to cbi-dev list since I think this would be of general interest (and, I have X'd out the exact URL, in case that is "sensitive" for whatever reason.]

I don't know the answer to your main question, but will say this also sounds like a p2 or network bug -- especially if the product uses a "modern" version of p2. p2 is supposed to (and, as far as I know, it *does*) ignore mirrors that have problems and move on to the next mirror in the list. That's why I mentioned "net work problems". You might have them provide the output of a command such as

wget -q -O - "" > testoutput.xml

(Or, you can use the URL in a browser too but then it won't show "auto redirect" messages. And, of course, use a "file=" value that makes sense for the exact problem they are encountering).

If they are getting back one and only one mirror, then that is an issue of their own internal network redirecting them to some internal proxy. 

Let us know what you learn!


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