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[cbi-dev] Release schedule


Now that is fixed and that it probably fixed, it is time to talk about release schedule.

First we have to decide if CBI maven plugins should stay on Java 7 or not (see for discussion).

Then, I would love to see this change being reviewed. It removes the chicken and egg issue of using the previous version of jarsigner to sign jarsigner and other CBI maven plugins. The idea is rather to sign the jars after a "mvn clean verify" with the following script:

jarsToSign=$(find . -name "*.jar" | grep -E "target/[^/]+\.jar")
for jarToSign in $jarsToSign; do 
  curl -o "${jarToSign}.signed" -F file=@"$jarToSign"
  mv "${jarToSign}.signed" "${jarToSign}"

and then call "mvn deploy".

Then, we need to talk about the version number of this release. I suppose it will be obvious after we have decided to stay on Java 7 or not. So with Java 7 it should be 1.2.0 and 1.1.2 otherwise, right?

Finally, when do you think it would be the best time to do it?


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