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[cbi-dev] maven-cbi-plugin

Hi Everyone,

I started exploring Bug 394792 related to making a well managed service at Eclipse. Once this is setup we plan on pushing the CBI plugins into a Nexus instance so that projects can simply pull them from maven rather than building locally and installing to your local maven repo.

At this moment I believe there's 2 CBI plugins existing:

1. eclipse-jarsigner-plugin [1]
2. maven-cbi-plugin [2]

At the moment the maven-cbi-plugin exists inside the platform aggregator repo. I would like to propose 2 actions as part of the work to put the CBI plugins into Nexus.

1. Move maven-cbi-plugin to org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins.git

If I'm not incorrect, I believe the maven-cbi-plugin is _not_ specific to the Platform build and other projects can likely reuse it. The other advantage is once maven-cbi-plugin is made available in Nexus we can reduce the CBI build commands down from 3 commands to 2 as we no longer need to run the "mvn clean install -f maven-cbi-plugin/pom.xml" step.

2. Rename maven-cbi-plugin to eclipse-cbi-plugin

When building this plugin maven throws the following error:

--- snippet ---

Artifact Ids of the format maven-___-plugin are reserved for
plugins in the Group Id org.apache.maven.plugins
Please change your artifactId to the format ___-maven-plugin
In the future this error will break the build.
--- end snippet ---

If we are moving this plugin I think it's a good chance to resolve this error message and renaming it as follows (following the existing scheme for eclipse-jarsigner-plugin).

groupId: org.eclipse.cbi.maven.plugins
artifactId: eclipse-cbi-plugin





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