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Re: [cbi-dev] "native" Eclipse Platform Build

Hi Andrey,

My response inline.


On 07/03/2012 06:25 PM, Andrey Loskutov wrote:
Hi Thanh,

thanks for quick help.

The build is running now for a while, but it looks that it builds *all* platforms, even if I just said to build for -Dnative=linux.gtk.x86_64? I'm right, and is it ok?
Yes, CBI is configured to build all platforms. macosx 64bit, linux 64bit & 32bit, windows 64bit & 32bit.

Using the -Dnative=linux.gtk.x86_64 tells the build to compile the swt & equinox native files for your current architecture. If you do not use this it'll just use the prebuilt binaries that exist in the repositories (it will still use the prebuilt for all the other architectures that wasn't specified as well since CBI build will build all architectures in either case).

Another question related to the maven excessive downloads: is there a way to fetch the required libraries/dependencies *once* and use some local storage for next builds? I'm thinking about our slow corporate network...
As far as I know maven does use the local storage for future builds if you followed the build instructions and used -Dmaven.repo.local=/var/tmp/lts/R4_localrepo the downloaded files are stored in the specified directory. Next time you run maven build on that same directory it'll detect the existing files and not download.

Ok, now build is done after 16 minutes *and it is successful*!!! Thank you!!! I *never ever* expected to see full custom Eclipse build done in few hours. This is just cool.

As a result I've got this files:
ls /var/tmp/lts/R4_localrepo/org/eclipse/org.eclipse.sdk.epp/4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
org.eclipse.sdk.epp-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz                                 org.eclipse.sdk.epp-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-p2artifacts.xml
org.eclipse.sdk.epp-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-linux.gtk.x86.tar.gz                                    org.eclipse.sdk.epp-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-p2metadata.xml
org.eclipse.sdk.epp-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz                              org.eclipse.sdk.epp-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom

Immediate question: how to change "SNAPSHOT" to something meaningful?
I believe this is controlled by the product & pom files located in TMP/org.eclipse.sdk.epp/ but I'm not positive.

Igor can you confirm?

Looking at the content of the org.eclipse.sdk.epp-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz  file I see that instead of eclipse and eclipse.ini there are two files
p2bug352457 and p2bug352457.ini. It is a known bug? I still can launch "p2bug352457" and it really starts Eclipse. Eclipse "about" says "Eclipse SDK Version: 4.2.0 Build id: @build@". How I can change this?
This was a workaround to Bug 352457 however if you look at the bug it seems to be resolved. So I'm not sure if we can change this back.

Igor do you know?

Last and most important question: as you said there are only 4.x native builds right now. What is the difference to 3.x stream? IMHO 4.2 and 3.8 are not so much different, at least not for the "native" part. What is needed to be changed in order to run native build there? Can you give me some hint/recipe for it?
There's not too much different between the 4.2 and 3.8 branches however the reason the native build does not yet work for 3.8 is because we only recently completed the native build for 4.2 and have not ported the patches to the 3.8 branches yet. I'm hoping to port it over soon but there's an issue that needs to be resolved before I can port the patches over. I wrote about it in a previous email at:

Anyway, you made my day. Thank you again. I will try to rebuild tomorrow on RHEL...


On Tue, 03 Jul 2012 23:36:48 +0200, Thanh Ha <thanh.ha@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Andrey,

Unfortunately the build does indeed require the natives p2 directory to
exist however we do intend to remove it soon.

It is possible to build without it if you don't want to download the
natives p2 by patching the file *eclipse-parent/pom.xml* and removing
the natives repository from the file. See the following diff:

diff --git a/eclipse-parent/pom.xml b/eclipse-parent/pom.xml
index 0703328..cba9c47 100644
--- a/eclipse-parent/pom.xml
+++ b/eclipse-parent/pom.xml
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@

- <natives-repo.url>file:///var/tmp/lts/natives</natives-repo.url>

@@ -62,11 +60,6 @@
- <repository>
- <id>natives</id>
- <url>${natives-repo.url}</url>
- <layout>p2</layout>
- </repository>

<!-- aspectj is used by some rt.equinox.bundles and is required by
sdk-tests feature -->

Hope this helps,


On 07/03/2012 05:13 PM, Andrey Loskutov wrote:
Hi Andrew, Thanh,

thank you for the help!
I've joined the cbi-dev mailing list as suggested.

Right now I've just followed the steps in the wiki for building 4.x
natives but the build fails.

I'm using maven 3.0.4 I've installed locally and jdk 1.7.0_04 from
Oracle. Both are configured and are in the path. JAVA_HOME is also
properly set. My home system is Kubuntu 12.04 64 bit, but I plan to
re-produce the build on RHEL 5.8 64 bit, so any help is welcome.

Please note that I didn't started with fetching the "natives" p2
repository as this "natives" is exactly the reason for me to build
eclipse from scratch. But it looks like maven still insists to see it,
see the error logs below...

Could you please shed some light how one can debug the maven
build/play with the arguments. E.g. where is the place in the maven
build where the -Dnative=linux.gtk.x86_64 argument is consumed?

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