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[buckminster-dev] Re: Tutorial for building an RCP from hudson

Hi Peter,

I'm definetly hoping that this feature can make it into buckminster and I'll gladly add the necessary code into the hudson plugin once buckminster supports that scenario. Unfortunately I wasn't able just yet to write a patch for buckminster to allow update and persisting of the change log because I wanted to enhance the target platform support first, since that was personally the bigger pain for me (and because I have a regular job of course ;P). So if you'd like to give it a shot on the buckminster side, your help would be very much appreciated.

Best regards,

Peter M. Murray schrieb:

A tight integration between Hudson & Buckminster would be super cool. Right now, I'm testing Buckminster in Hudson by having Hudson check out the sources and pointing Buckminster at them as a local source for materialization. Besides all the problems incumbent with a static checkout list etc - and as has been pointed out elsewhere - Buckminster doesn't recognize that the sources have come from SVN originally, so I can't use the subversion latest revision qualifier replacement in the plugin/feature versions.

Is there any movement on the idea of introducing the following features to the buckminster reader system?

- change log export
- update cquery in existing workspace

I'd be willing to lend a hand if appropriate to help get to a seamless integration with Hudson. Would it be best for me to just check out the buckminster workspace and begin to get my bearings?



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