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[buckminster-dev] Non-intrusive prototyping

I need some design ideas.

Assume the following situation:
Developer Anna wants to try out Buckminster on feature X (with sub-features and plug-ins). She wants to do this in a non-intrusive way but in order for Buckminster to do what she feel is needed, she must add a CSPEC extension files to some of the projects.

Her options are somewhat limited since she feels that checking things in would be far too intrusive (in fact, she does not even have write access to some of the projects). She could of course create a local copy of everything and add things there but that is fairly cumbersome for complex projects and the resulting setup will not validate her CQUERY/RMAP setup. The fact that she would like a colleague (working at another site) to try it out later, makes that though even less appealing.

A resolution to the problem could be if Buckminster, during prototyping, was able to slot in the needed artifacts (i.e. CSPEX files) from the side. Perhaps we could have an entry in the CQUERY that appoints a map-file that maps explicit component names to folders containing artifacts later intended for the component?

Ideas and suggestions are very welcome.

Kind Regards,
Thomas Hallgren

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