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[bpel-dev] small question about variable type of receive, reply

Hi all,

I read the specification carefully, but there is something I want to be sured. A BPEL's variable can be from messageType, element and XML data type.

From specification under 10.4:
In a <receive> or <reply> activity, the variable referenced by the variable attribute MUST be a messageType variable whose QName matches the QName of the input (for <receive>) or output (for <reply>) message type used in the operation, except as follows: if the WSDL operation uses a message containing exactly one part which itself is defined using an element, then a WS-BPEL variable of the same element type as used to define the part MAY be referenced by the variable attribute of the <receive> or <reply>activity.

ELEMENT is meant to be from type element?
Can the PART mentioned above is defined by a XML data type?

Thank you very very much

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