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[bpel-dev] Eclipse BPEL Designer and Apache ODE integration

Hello BPEL Community!

I am happy to announce that another item on our project charta has been
resolved. Bug
gives a contribution that allows you integrate the Eclipse BPEL Designer
with the Apache ODE runtime.
In order to use this, Tammo van Lessen and me (we both wrote that
integration code) also provide a tutorial that shows you a click-by-click
instruction on how to run it.

(See attached file: HelloWorld-BPELDesignerAndODE.pdf)

This integration code works - however, we are sure that there are still
bugs in it that need to be ironed out. But it is stable enough for everyone
to start playing around with it.
Note that the code currently is Eclipse 3.3 based - you won't get it to run
on Ganymede. We are currently working on a port that hopefully will be
finished soon, and I will send out an updated instruction then.

Now: Enjoy! And as always: Any feedback on this is more rewarding than no
feedback ;-)

Attachment: HelloWorld-BPELDesignerAndODE.pdf
Description: Binary data

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