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[birt-pmc] Update BIRT Web site


As we discussed in today's PMC meeting, those top 4 menus items on BIRT
web site needs to be updated.  Reading the Eclipse planning council
suggestion again, it seems to be in line with our discussion that we
shall group all project related details in one link and visitor who is
interested can follow that link.   The idea is to have only one 'about'
link for the project details. Follow is the instruction to do that:

See the paragraph
"the PHP to create these common nav items on the home page is as follows
(include this code before the $App->generate_page(...) and before any
project-specific $Nav items are added:

require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .
$projectInfo = new ProjectInfo("the project's Foundation database key");
$projectInfo->generate_common_nav( $Nav );Alternatively, the project
could decide to have the standard set of left-nav items on all its pages
(we encouraged but do not require this). To accomplish this, simply put
the code in the _projectCommon.php file."

Scott, Can Jason H. help on this?



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