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RE: [birt-pmc] EclipseCon 2006

Sounds like a couple of "tutorial" sections before the conference is the prefer choice.

From: birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Scott Rosenbaum
Sent: Wed 8/3/2005 8:26 PM
To: birt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [birt-pmc] EclipseCon 2006


I approached Bjorn with three options for the conference.  His responses are shown in italics.  Based on what he said, I think we have a couple of options.  I will wait for the PMC on Monday to discuss.


Here is the original email to Bjorn...

The BIRT team is starting to look at EclipseCon and how our project can best provide information about BIRT to the larger Eclipse community.  We would like to make sure that we have a coordinated approach that provides outstanding and comprehensive coverage of the work we are doing in the BIRT project.

We have a couple of the ideas that were kicked around in the PMC.  I was hoping you could have a look at them in a fairly rough state and let us know what you think.   Based on your feed back we would go ahead and proceed with a more formal submission of topics.

a) At a minimum we would like to have an overview of the BIRT project as well as a high level technical presentation that introduces the BIRT API's.  My assumption is that we should just write these up and propose them as presentations.
BFB -- Yes, just use the submission system. This is one of the kinds of talks I expect to see at EclipseCon from the major projects.

b) We have considered trying to build a BIRT developers track within the main conference.  At a high level the BIRT Track would consist of:
   - an overview of the BIRT project and its APIs
   - 2-4 sessions on the BIRT APIs and its extension points.  Our hope would be to do these cooperatively with the Actuate tech leads and representatives from our community that have experience with the implementation of the specific API or extension points.  If you feel that this would be appropriate for EclipseCon, we will put together the presentation details and solicit help from our community.
BFB -- It is less likely that there will be enough space for 5 long talks about BIRT - there just isn't enough space or time for that much long content about each major project.  The topic is appropriate, I'm just not sure where there is going to be enough time and space for that.  Let's see seven major projects x 5 hours each = 35 hours of talking. There are 20 hours of talking space per day (after keynotes, etc), so that would be two of the three days, just with API talks.  And then there is the business track, the user track, etc.  So that's not going to work.  I think you should propose a number of these and we'll accept as many as we can, but don't count on five.

c) Finally, we thought about a BIRT Workshop for either a full or half day, that really digs into BIRT.  This of course assumes that workshops would still be done as a prelude or wrapup to the conference itself.  The difference with a workshop is that it would focus more on how-to with actual hands on coding involved.  I think our focus would still be on the Eclipse developer and not the report developer.  So this would more focus on extension and API usage and not on the actual use of BIRT.
BFB -- is good but sounds like what I think a Tutorial is. So perhaps just submit it as a Tutorial?  Good idea though.

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