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[birt-dev] Vote for Committer status for Vincent Petry has started

birt Committers,
This automatically generated message signals that Zhiqiang Qian has
nominated Vincent Petry as a Committer on the birt project. The reason
given is as follows:

I would like to nominate Vincent Petry as a BIRT Committer. In the past 12
months, Vincent has been working actively on BIRT Report Viewer project and
made significant contributions. 

Followings are bugs he had fixed:

200721	Tag library - custom parameterPage shows errors					
222928	Javascript error when preview report in fr_fr with language
145680	Scroll bar should scroll up when change page in Web Viewer					
146815	Invalid page shouldn't display when set __page in url address					
199507	Report Engine Logging is missing Log Messages from the ODA
199825	Close Print Report dialog after press OK.[0002]					
199998	Throw TypeError javascript exception when debug js using
200001	Issue when print the same report twice in the client[0002]					
200787	Logger level in will affect default
200806	Can export non-exist page out to variant formats.[0002]					
201015	Some javascript error messages are not internationalized in BIRT web
201314	Viewer Throws Invalid Page Number error					
201832	Keep the Print Preview window open after cancel print
175647	[Mac]Scroll bar doesn't work in the preview view					
175965	[Mac] Keyboard button does not work properly in "Enter Parameters"
175978	[Mac] endless processing when exporting data in web viewer					
175979	[Mac]Could not select dynamic parameter in the web viewer parameter
209453	Exception dialog extends with the content.[0002]					
209455	The position for Null Value in cascading parameter should
209457	Cascading parameter with combobox issue[0705]					
210078	BIRT Web Project fail to set birt component in project facet by
210339	Cancel in parameter dialog doesn't work[0002]					
210493	Birt 2.2.0 - 2.2.1 tag library does work under safari					
210611	BIRT Web Project missed config page in creation process					
210906	NPE when try to get reportlet in run servlet[0002]					
211719	Fail to print report in Safari[0002]					
212702	Several issues when preview attached jsp in Safari[0603]					
213666	[regression][Firefox]Pop up Print dialog before show report
213980	WebViewer is not compatible with Firefox 3 beta 2					
213503	jsp:forward has issues with AJAX framework					
214312	Decimal parameter with format fails in France
219945	Inadequate behavior when exporting in Viewer a report with
220127	Birt URL contains duplicated parameters when displaying viewer from
220336	Bookmark URL parameter has no effect in viewer if the parameter
dialog pops up				
223451	All buttons in param/export.. dialogs are lost in IE 7 if set rtl as
223597	[Automation][Regression]SWTException thrown out when close a report
in designer				
223782	RTL related viewer display issues[0002][10]					
224299	When a dialog is open, the user can still interact with HTML forms
within the report content			
225290	[IE7]Button overlaps with scrollbar in Exception dialog[0002]					
225924	Button overlaps with scrollbar in expanded Exception
227937	Exit application without warning when print report in pdf.					
227313	Thai3.4:BIRT Generate footer render invalid era					
228364	Support emitter id through preview url					
228853	Parameter with decimal type is not displayed correctly.					
229552	The viewer jumps to another page in reportlet mode.					
229555	Support emitter id in taglib					
230358	[Regression] Exception throws out when preview the attached report
231059	Support attribute in viewer jsp tags to set pageoverflow[0603]					
231115	Four same pages display when generate group reportlet[0002]					
231715	Set __overwrite default value to true in Designer mode[0002]					
231750	emitter id attribute not granted by the parameter dialog when
posting values				
225471	BIRT Report Viewer : ViewerHTMLActionHandler.getURL returns a URL
which includes absolute paths		
232910	[Automation][Regression]Fail to export datetime data with locale
233893 has compile error in 2.3 daily build
231493	[Mac]In web viewer the crosstab has no default style					
234062	BIRT viewer should check the JDK version in the welcome page					
234545	[Regression] The decimal value from a parameter is not correct when
preview [0705]			
234282	File name for export document is always "BirtReport"					
235206	BIRT wtp facet doesn't work with Java EE 5					
232452	Preview progress bar should be right-to-left in Arabic locale.					
234268	TVT34:TCT574: The panel is left aligned					
235710	Birt viewer servlet frameset mapping not working on aix and
236574	Default java version for BIRT web project should be 5.0[0603]					
236585	In Chinese locale, parameter value in drill-through is not stored
237590	[Regression] Error happens when new a birt web project [0603]					
237736	Web Viewer Print dialog warning issue[0002]					
238168	csvConvertor method issues					
238171	CSVDataExtractionImpl class code review					
240262	In the web project wizard, the "BIRT Runtime Component" preset is
only visible for web module 2.4		
241202	Can not drill-throught a report whose name contains blank
241791	The parameter dialog will keep poping up when the parameter name is
Chinese characters.			
242468	Bug in Viewing reports					

The vote is being held via the MyFoundation portal: voters *must* use the
portal for the votes to be properly recorded.  The voting will continue
until either all 49 existing Committers have voted or until they have been
given enough time to vote, even if they do not do so (defined as at least
one week). Vincent Petry must receive at least three +1s and no -1s for a
successful election.

Eligible Committers must cast their votes through their My Foundation
portal page (do NOT just reply to this email; your vote will not be
correctly recorded unless you use the portal):

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

The project Committers eligible to vote are:

    Linda Chan
    Chen Chao
    Liwen Chen
    Yu Chen
    Yuejie Chen
    Jerry Cheng
    Hank Christensen
    Paul Clenahan
    Mark Coggins
    Yasuo Doshiro
    Dazheng Gao
    Xiaoying Gu
    Nola Hague
    Wenbin He
    Rima Kanguri
    Renuka Kanna
    Sue Lee
    Sheldon Lee-Loy
    Heng Li
    Nina Li
    Wenfeng Li
    Xiang Li
    Xuelan Li
    Yu Li
    Zhongbo Li
    Gang Liu
    Ian Liu
    Rick Lu
    Jun Ouyang
    Zhiqiang Qian
    Scott Rosenbaum
    Jane Tatchell
    Krishna Venkatraman
    Qiangsheng Wang
    Wei Wang
    Yueqiang Wang
    Yulin Wang
    Jason Weathersby
    Mingxia Wu
    Gary Xue
    Wei Yan
    Liang Yu
    Jun Zhai
    Xiaofeng Zhang
    Xiong Zhang
    Jian Zhou
    Lin Zhu
    Sissi Zhu
    he xingjie

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