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[birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug --- 187444 [Automation][Regression] chart using inherited dataset did not work properly

Title: [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug --- 187444 [Automation][Regression] chart using inherited dataset did not work properly

- Summary:

- Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:
187444 [Automation][Regression] chart using inherited dataset did not work properly
- Description:

  When loading the extended items (such as CHART, XTAB), the query should be re-executed. Not like other system defined items, the query result is processed by the extended item directly, so we needn't set the result cursor to the first row, otherwise, the extended item will miss the data in the first row.

- Tests Description  :

        Manual Test

- Notes to Build Team:

        It is checked into 2.2 rc0

- Notes to Developers:

- Notes to QA:  

- Notes to Documentation:  

- Files Edited:

- Files Added:

- Files Deleted

-Wei Yan

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