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[birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug 164764 Joint data set does not work properly using attached flatfile

-          Summary:

CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug 164764 Joint data set does not work properly using attached flatfile

- Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:
Bugzilla bug 164764 Joint data set does not work properly using attached flatfile

- Description:
The bug is caused by using different compare method during the sorting of parent data sets and comparison of join key when create joint data set. This problem is introduced during the fixing to bugzilla bug 136365, which request BIRT support collation sorting. We will reverse codes changes made in fixing of 136365 to fix this bug. However bugzilla bug 136365 will be reopen.


- Tests Description:

- Files Edited:


- Files Added:


- Notes to Build Team:

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