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[birt-dev]CheckIn: Ehance the IHTMLActionhandler/IHTMLImageHandler to accept IReportContext as the context information.

Title: [birt-dev]CheckIn: Ehance the IHTMLActionhandler/IHTMLImageHandler to accept IReportContext as the context information.

- Summary:

- Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:

- Description:

        To create the URL of action and image, the extened handler need access vairous informations used to create the current report. Those information includes format, resource locator, application context etc. Those information can't be accessed from the RenderContext which passed in the old API. So enhance the APIs to accept the  IReportContext as the context inforamtion.

        To keep backward compatability, the old API is not removed and a new Adapter class is added to wrapper the new API to the old ones.

        The developer of the handler can change their implementation to the adapter without change anythin else.

- Tests Description  :

        Manully test.

- Notes to Build Team:

- Notes to Developers:

        The ActionHandler of chart can use the new interface to create the URL.
        The viewer need change the implementation of the viewHtmlActionHandler to use the new resource folder

- Notes to QA:  

- Notes to Documentation:  

- Files Edited:
cvs ci -m "enhance the IHTMLActionHandler/IHTMLImageHandler with IReportContext" -l "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/"

cvs ci -m "enhance the IHTMLActionHandler/IHTMLImageHandler with IReportContext" -l "/"

cvs ci -m "enhance the IHTMLActionHandler/IHTMLImageHandler with IReportContext" -l "/"

cvs ci -m "enhance the IHTMLActionHandler/IHTMLImageHandler with IReportContext" -l "/"

- Files Added:
cvs add -kkv "/"

- Files Deleted

-Wei Yan

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