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[birt-dev] Vote to accept new committer for BIRT project - Shixiong Ouyang

Title: Vote to accept new committer for BIRT project - Shixiong Ouyang

      Dear BIRT Project committers,
      This is an email to request your vote on our recommendation of a new committer for BIRT project .
      Shixiong Ouyang  is a  graduate student at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China.  He is willing to contribute to BIRT project development. In the past three months,  shixiong   has been actively working on the BIRT 2.0 report viewer development work. 

      Please reply to this mailing list,
      "Yes, I agree to accept  Shixiong Ouyang as a committer to the BIRT project",
      "No, I do not agree to accept Shixiong Ouyang as a committer to the BIRT project"
      Wenbin He
      BIRT designer project lead

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