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[aspectj-users] AspectJ 1.9.3.RC1 released

Hey all,

I just released AspectJ 1.9.3.RC1. I decided on an RC because this release is coming from the new maven build infrastructure and I’m concerned about the artifacts not being quite right. They look ok, they work for me, but I’d grateful if others can kick the tires on this RC so I can check the process works.

The downloads page is taking a while to update but the link should be there soon: . I have also sent it to maven central, that should be live soon.

The fixes in AspectJ 1.9 are linked from the tiny readme:

An important fix included is that there was a problem weaving classes from signed jars (if running on Java9+). I did fix something to make chained advice work with proceed() in annotation style aspects - I’d encourage anyone using proceed with annotation style to try out this release and please let me know if you have any problems because I did need to tweak the aspectj runtime, which doesn’t change very often. 

In addition I released a small 1.8.14 release yesterday that enables usage of 1.8 against jars that may contain some artifacts from later versions of java. 1.8.14 will ignore module-info.class and classes under META-INF (which are there for multi release jars).  However, the recommendation is that if dealing with jars that include those kinds of artifact, please use an AspectJ 1.9.

Thanks to everyone contributing fixes and helping test things!  After 1.9.3 I guess 1.9.4 will be the Java 12 compatibility release.


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