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[aspectj-users] Missing stackmap generation for woven code

I'm running into a problem with AspectJ 1.8.10, and not sure how to resolve this.

I have a multi-module maven build.  One of my modules requires running an ant task (using the antrun-maven-plugin) with the jvm -noverify flag.  Consequently, I run the entire maven build using the -noverify flag.

However, my last module in my build is an AspectJ module.  When I try to compile it using the aspectj-maven-plugin, I get the following error thrown:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.10:compile (default) on project adams-aspects: AJC compiler errors:
[ERROR] abort ABORT -- (BCException) Unable to find Asm for stackmap generation (Looking for ''). Stackmap generation for woven code is required to avoid verify errors on a Java 1.7 or higher runtime
[ERROR] when weaving type webapp.tiles.AthleteBasedForm
[ERROR] when weaving classes
[ERROR] when weaving
[ERROR] when batch building BuildConfig[null] #Files=8 AopXmls=#0

So I'm a bit in a bind.  I can't figure out any way to reconcile both requirements - that module1 needs to run a plugin with the -noverify parameter, and the aspectj plugin that needs to run it without.

Is there anyway I can disable the need for the stackmap generation to exist in AJ 1.8.10?  I've looked for parameters I can pass to ajc but can't find any.



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