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[aspectj-users] Problems with test aspects in Eclipse

I posted a question on StackOverflow, but haven't received much traction there, so I thought I would check with people on this list as well.

I'm having trouble with Eclipse weaving aspects from my test folder into my target/classes folder (as opposed to putting the woven classes into target/test-classes)

I've got a maven project in which I have @Aspect classes in my src/test/java folder.  If I build from command line, everything runs properly.  If however, I build from within Eclipse, the compiler weaves my aspects into my target class files and puts them in target/classes.

This obviously causes me troubles as the JVM tries to find the woven Aspect and throws NoClassDefFoundError (since the actual aspect.class is only in target/test-classes).

Has anyone encountered this before?  Is there a way to instruct ajc/Eclipse/maven/m2e to put the woven class file into target/test-classes and not target/classes when it is due to an aspect from the test folder?

My pom defn shows the following for the ajc plugin:

I've tried running maven 3.0.4 and 3.2.5, but no difference.



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