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Re: [aspectj-users] Annotation Processing & Aspectj

Privet Sergey,

what you write sounds somehow interesting, but could you please elaborate a bit or enhance your repo's README a bit in order to better explain what you are trying to do and how AspectJ 1.8.2. helps you with it? I do not understand what you have tried to explain.

By the way, it struck me as rather odd that your repo contains AspectJ library JARs. Is this just hacky or caused by the fact that you use a preliminary AspectJ version which is unavailable on any Maven repos?

Kind regards
Alexander Kriegisch

Sergey Stupin schrieb am 11.08.2014 09:10:

> I'm happy to announce that next aspectj release (1.8.2) will support annotation processing. Lot's of work was done on getting it ready. And with GREAT help from Andy Clement aspectj compiler now will process annotations.
> To give you all an opportunity to play with that I've wrote a simpe showcase-project <> 

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