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Re: [aspectj-users] Compiling java-7 code with jdk-8

Thanks, luckily I am on a mac and managed to build it successfully with your steps.

However the message is still not gone.

Head at
commit 70f2e6d63556b1ca0158021045348fca2ea4fc86
Author: Andy Clement <aclement@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon May 12 12:18:46 2014 -0700

    377096: Fix for corrupt annotation creation

Error log below:

[INFO] --- aspectj-maven-plugin:1.6:compile (default) @ decor-web-utils ---
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.replaceAll(BiFunction<? super String,? super Object,? extends Object>)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.putIfAbsent(String, Object)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.getOrDefault(Object, Object)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Iterable<EmailFormHelper.ModelParamNameValue>.forEach(Consumer<? super EmailFormHelper.ModelParamNameValue>)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.forEach(BiConsumer<? super String,? super Object>)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Iterable<EmailFormHelper.ModelParamNameValue>.spliterator()
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.compute(String, BiFunction<? super String,? super Object,? extends Object>)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.computeIfAbsent(String, Function<? super String,? extends Object>)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.merge(String, Object, BiFunction<? super Object,? super Object,? extends Object>)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.replace(String, Object, Object)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.replace(String, Object)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.computeIfPresent(String, BiFunction<? super String,? super Object,? extends Object>)
[ERROR] The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.remove(Object, Object)
[ERROR] The type new Iterator<EmailFormHelper.ModelParamNameValue>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Iterator<EmailFormHelper.ModelParamNameValue>.forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super EmailFormHelper.ModelParamNameValue>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.thenComparing(Function<? super FileEntry,? extends U>, Comparator<? super U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.thenComparing(Function<? super FileEntry,? extends U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.thenComparing(Comparator<? super FileEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super FileEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction<? super FileEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction<? super FileEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.reversed()
[ERROR] The type JdoUserService.UserComparator must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<User>.thenComparing(Function<? super User,? extends U>, Comparator<? super U>)
[ERROR] The type JdoUserService.UserComparator must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<User>.thenComparing(Function<? super User,? extends U>)
[ERROR] The type JdoUserService.UserComparator must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<User>.thenComparing(Comparator<? super User>)
[ERROR] The type JdoUserService.UserComparator must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<User>.thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super User>)
[ERROR] The type JdoUserService.UserComparator must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<User>.thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction<? super User>)
[ERROR] The type JdoUserService.UserComparator must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<User>.thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction<? super User>)
[ERROR] The type JdoUserService.UserComparator must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<User>.reversed()
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<StructureEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<StructureEntry>.thenComparing(Function<? super StructureEntry,? extends U>, Comparator<? super U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<StructureEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<StructureEntry>.thenComparing(Function<? super StructureEntry,? extends U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<StructureEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<StructureEntry>.thenComparing(Comparator<? super StructureEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<StructureEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<StructureEntry>.thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super StructureEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<StructureEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<StructureEntry>.thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction<? super StructureEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<StructureEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<StructureEntry>.thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction<? super StructureEntry>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<StructureEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<StructureEntry>.reversed()
[ERROR] The type HandlebarsHelpers.CustomField must implement the inherited abstract method CharSequence.codePoints()
[ERROR] The type HandlebarsHelpers.CustomField must implement the inherited abstract method CharSequence.chars()
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<Component>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<Component>.thenComparing(Function<? super Component,? extends U>, Comparator<? super U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<Component>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<Component>.thenComparing(Function<? super Component,? extends U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<Component>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<Component>.thenComparing(Comparator<? super Component>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<Component>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<Component>.thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super Component>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<Component>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<Component>.thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction<? super Component>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<Component>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<Component>.thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction<? super Component>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<Component>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<Component>.reversed()
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<JSONObject>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<JSONObject>.thenComparing(Function<? super JSONObject,? extends U>, Comparator<? super U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<JSONObject>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<JSONObject>.thenComparing(Function<? super JSONObject,? extends U>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<JSONObject>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<JSONObject>.thenComparing(Comparator<? super JSONObject>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<JSONObject>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<JSONObject>.thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super JSONObject>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<JSONObject>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<JSONObject>.thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction<? super JSONObject>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<JSONObject>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<JSONObject>.thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction<? super JSONObject>)
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<JSONObject>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<JSONObject>.reversed()

Then this is repeated

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.6:compile (default) on project decor-web-utils: Compiler errors:
[ERROR] error at public class ModelRequestParameters implements Map<String, Object>,
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ERROR] /...path/ The type ModelRequestParameters must implement the inherited abstract method Map<String,Object>.replaceAll(BiFunction<? super String,? super Object,? extends Object>)
[ERROR] error at public class ModelRequestParameters implements Map<String, Object>,
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And it goes on.

Kind regards

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