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[aspectj-users] Compiling java-7 code with jdk-8


I get a number of different results when trying to compile java 7 code with the latest jdk.

I have tried with aspectj-maven-plugin version 1.6

with aspectjrt versions of 1.7.3 and 1.8.0

I am using the following plugin dependency
compiler.version is 1.7

With aspectjrt versions of 1.8.0 I get a lot of error messages like the following:
[ERROR] The type new Comparator<FileEntry>(){} must implement the inherited abstract method Comparator<FileEntry>.thenComparing(Function<? super FileEntry,? extends U>, Comparator<? super U>)

With aspectj 1.7.3 I get the following error message
[ERROR] The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

It all works fine with 1.7.3 if I compile it with jdk7

Any suggestions?

Kind regards

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