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[aspectj-users] Pattern syntax grammar specification for AspectJ, does it exist ?


The pattern syntax for AspectJ is given at the bottom of this webpage (see also below):

However, I was unable to find an explanation for this grammar. Where can I find that ?

For example it is not clear to me what the following means (taken from the last line from the Pattern Summary):
JavaModifier  ...

Pattern Summary

Here is a summary of the pattern syntax used in AspectJ:

MethodPattern = 
  [ModifiersPattern] TypePattern 
        [TypePattern . ] IdPattern (TypePattern | ".." , ... ) 
        [ throws ThrowsPattern ]
ConstructorPattern = 
  [ModifiersPattern ] 
        [TypePattern . ] new (TypePattern | ".." , ...) 
        [ throws ThrowsPattern ]
FieldPattern = 
  [ModifiersPattern] TypePattern [TypePattern . ] IdPattern
ThrowsPattern = 
  [ ! ] TypePattern , ...
TypePattern = 
    IdPattern [ + ] [ [] ... ]
    | ! TypePattern
    | TypePattern && TypePattern
    | TypePattern || TypePattern
    | ( TypePattern )  
IdPattern =
  Sequence of characters, possibly with special * and .. wildcards
ModifiersPattern =
  [ ! ] JavaModifier  ...


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