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Re: [aspectj-users] Simple question about Java, AspectJ, and Static type information

Any ideas? Comments?

2010/9/3 Henrique Rebêlo <hemr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi all,
 Consider the following simple hierarchy:
class Shape { public void m() {} }
class Triangle extends Shape { public void m() {} }
along with the simple advice
pointcut callMeth() : call (public void Shape.m());


(Shape s) : call(public void Shape.m()) && target(s){

// advice body


Suppose that I have the following call
Shape s = new Triangle();
I know that the above advice will affect this call, I want to know if there is a way to get the static type information of the executing object without using reflection. If I use


.getSignature().getDeclaringType().getName() // this returns type Shape that is what I want

I can access that information... but the use of the special variable thisJoinPoint or thisJoinPointStaticPart refers to Java.lang.reflect... I want this constraint because I need to apply such a strategy with Java ME platform in which does not support reflection at all.

I also tried inside the body of the advice

s.getClass().getName(); // But this returns only the type of the executing object which is Triangle in this case... I dont know how to access the name of the static type of the object represented by s which is Shape.

So, You guys (Java and Aspect experts), Do have any ideas on how I can get this?

Kind Regards,


Henrique Rebelo
Informatics Center, UFPE, Brazil

Henrique Rebelo
Informatics Center, UFPE, Brazil

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