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[aspectj-users] Re: Verbose mode on ajc / aspectj compiler output?

So here's an example: I have code below that does not work.  How can I found out what's wrong with it?
The intention is to advise all   get*() methods in the dao class.  Well that part works alone, but when adding in the "notInMethods" pointcut, then nothing works.  So what tooling can tell me why nothing gets advised anymore?

@Pointcut(value = "execution(public * *.getManagedClass())")
public void notInMethods() {

@Around(value = "!notInMethods() && execution(public * *.get* (..)) && this(dao)", argNames = "thisJoinPoint, dao")

2010/7/13 Stephen Boesch <javadba@xxxxxxxxx>
The development process for aspectj is proving to be very cumbersome  / slow for a non-adept.  I'd like clear understanding of the selection process of pointcut's, to know what's going on and why my pointcut expressions are not performing as expected.  

What are options for tooling?

Also, should I move away from @AspectJ and use the traditional ajc compiler to get more information and better support?

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