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Re: [aspectj-users] Can advice in AspectJ consume and use OSGI services?

> Is it possible to use an OSGI service in the advice of an aspect? It requires a BundleContext to use a service, which I have always gotten from an Activator. Should I make my Aspect into a bundle? I am lost of how to tackle this problem as of now :(

No.  Bundle activators and aspects have incompatible instatiation
models. Bundle activaors are created by OSGi and aspects, by the
aspectj runtime (and are ususally singletons unless a per-clause is

Bundle activators are themselves singletons.  It should be possible to
get a handle on the activator from within the aspect.  So, really,
getting an OSGi service in an aspect is no different than getting one
from a class.

As a side note, a generally accepted programming principle of AOP is
that aspects should do as little 'real' work as possible and delegate
as much computation to a class as possible.

> My goal is to hide the cross-cutting concern of undo from my gui classes that contain swing components. For example, all my JTextfields are undoable, and the code that enables this is very repetitive and it would be nice to centralise that code in one spot in an aspect :)

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