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[aspectj-users] ITD - why public ?

I would like to move all code that that is responsible for setting up the gui into an aspect.

The following code seems to work:

    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtWeb = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtName = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtVorname = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtOrt = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtStrasse = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtPLZ = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtTelefon = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtFax = new JdbTextField();
    public JdbTextField FrameAddress.txtMail = new JdbTextField();

But why have this declarations to be public ?


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