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[aspectj-users] around advice and if() construct

Hello guys
I'd like to ask whether using the if() construct in a pointcut for an around advice, give me a better performance or not?

I decompiled a woven class and saw:
    public void test() throws Exception
        JoinPoint joinpoint = Factory.makeJP(ajc$tjp_0, this, this);
            test_aroundBody1$advice(this, joinpoint, ajc$test_TestAspect$localAspectOf(), null, ajc$tjp_0, joinpoint);
        } else
            test_aroundBody0(this, joinpoint);

If I understand it correctly
    JoinPoint joinpoint = Factory.makeJP(ajc$tjp_0, this, this);
has biggest impact on a performance (except method body), but it is before
which is actually the test I wrote to the if() construct in TestAspect:
Object around() throws Exception : testMethods() && if (...) {
I would expect that the test will appear before Factory.makeJP and thus we gain a performance improvement by using the if() construct.

I don't know if I understand it correctly, but it seems to me that use of  if() construct with around advice doesn't give me better performance at all.
Did I miss something? What do you think?


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