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[aspectj-users] Exposing annotations in Parameters

Hi everybody,

I have been looking at the doc for AspectJ5 (and what I was able to find for AspectJ6) and I haven't found a way to solve my problem.

So, my problem: I want to be able to capture annotations present in the arguments of a method on my pointcut.

So, for a method that looks like:

public void foo( @Bar("something") int b){}

I would like to be able to write a pointcut that looks like:

pointcut myPointcut(Bar b) : execution( * *.foo(@Bar (int),..)) && @args(b,..);

Now, this does not work because @args() expects the *type* of the argument to carry the annotation, not the argument itself.

So, is there a way to capture b in my example?

.:: Carlos

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