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[aspectj-users] MethodPattern for Methods with arguments without wildcard '..'


I am looking for the point-cut for contains method (line 9) in the following Java code:

   Collection<String> c;
   c = new ArrayList<String>();

   String s;
   s = "z";

   if(!c.contains(s)) {

This Pointcut works:

   public aspect DequeAspect {

      pointcut test(Collection c, String s): target(c) &&
                                             args(s) &&
                                             call(* Collection.contains(..));

      after(Collection c, String s): test(c, s) {
         System.err.println("AFTER: "+c.toString()+" CONTAINS "+s);

After a look at the page <Appendix B. Language Semantics>

It seems to be that the wildcard '..' in the contains Method can also be a TypePattern.

But I tested :
   pointcut test(Collection c, String s): target(c) && args(s) &&
                                          call(* Collection.contains(String));

and that is not working (I also tried Object+ or String+).

In this example, using the wildcard is not big deal, but what if you just want to test the Type of the argument (without exposing this values) :
   pointcut test(Collection c): target(c) &&
                                call(* Collection.contains(String));

produce a AdviceDidNotUsed warning (on the Advice using this pointcut)

How do you define correctly the MethodPattern (especially the TypePattern) without the wildcard '..'? Is that possible?



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