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[aspectj-users] declare parents on interface sometimes failing

Hi all.

I'm having an issue where sometimes the "declare parents" code does not properly change the parent of the class.

Declare parents is set up on HttpSession.  When using spring's MockHttpSession (which implements HttpSession), it seems that the parent class doesn't get changed correctly, so it ends up with a AbstractMethodError.
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpSession.getHashOnSet()Ljava/util/Map;

*However*, if HttpSession is in the non-test class that is being called by the test, the declare parents command seems to run correctly.

Has any one come across this?  I'm going a bit nuts because I can't seem to figure out a consistent way to be able to get this working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My original writeup of what I did:

Thanks for your time,

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