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Re: [aspectj-users] Intertype declaration , parameterized generic HashSet does not work


seems like a generics aspects bug, although maybe a limitation.  That is a pretty sophisticated aspect and I'd need to spend some time with pen and paper working out if what you are trying to do is (a) possible (b) supported.  I would raise an AspectJ bug for clarification of this.


2009/8/9 Andreas Møller Holst <andreasholst@xxxxxxxxx>
Im new to AOP and AspectJ. Currently Im studying an aspect oriented library to support associations as cross cutting concerns.
In this library I have an aspect /SimpleStaticRel/ that alters the type hirarchy and introduce new members to the formal type parameters /FROM/ and /TO/.
Below I present a snippet of the original implementation which is relevant to my question.  
If I declare /final private HashSet<TO> Fwd.fwd = new HashSet<TO>();/ I get the follwoing compile error: The method add(TO) in the type HashSet<TO> is not applicable for the arguments (TO)


Here I have made a test which shows me that its possible to parameterize a HashSet with generic type /FROM/. This HashSet is a member of the aspect and is not introduced as a member of FROM.
Why is it ok to parameterize in this situation?

-----------------------------  ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------

import java.util.*;

public abstract aspect SimpleStaticRel <FROM,TO>{

public static interface Fwd {}

//public static interface Bwd {}

declare parents : FROM implements Fwd;

// #1
final private HashSet<TO> Fwd.fwd = new HashSet<TO>();
//final private HashSet Fwd.fwd = new HashSet();

// #2
private HashSet<TO> myHash = new HashSet<TO>();

public boolean add(FROM _f, TO _t) {
   return true;

public boolean andreasAdd(FROM _f, TO _t) {
   Fwd forward = (Fwd) _f;
   return true;


Thank you / dres

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