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[aspectj-users] Incremental build failure: the parameter is not bound in [all branches of] pointcut‏

Apologies in advance; I'm sure there is a more concise problem description but I'll let the expert eyes figure that one out.

I'm using Eclipse 3.5 and AJDT 2.0.1.e35x-20090717-0900 / aspectj

Project organization is as follows:
Bundle A contains a bunch of interfaces
  - In this case that would be 'somepackage.Behavior'
Bundle B contains my aspect and references the interfaces exported by Bundle A
  - See details below
Bundle C contains a class the code the pointcut matches

Here is an approximation of my pointcut:
@Pointcut("if() && call(public * somepackage.Behavior.*(..)) && target(b)")
public static boolean adviseIfMonitoring(Behavior b) {
    return true;

Ditto the advice:
public Object monitorBehaviorPerformance(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, Behavior b) throws Throwable {
    return pjp.proceed();

Bundles C has an ajnature added and has Bundle B [project] added to its aspectpath.

Following a clean build everything seems fine.  The compiled code has the aspect woven and the IDE highlights the application of the advice at the correct joinpoints in Bundle C.

However, if I make any change to a class in Bundle C, specifically the class for which the advice is applied to, I get a compilation error from the aspect in Bundle B: "the parameter pjp is not bound in [all branches of] pointcut."

If I clean Bundle B the problem is resolved and everything works again.

The problem *appears* to be related to the use of the target(b) portion of the pointcut in conjunction with incremental compilation.

Any suggestions other than 'Don't do that'?

Thanks in advance,

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