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[aspectj-users] AspectJ 1.6.5 released

I'm very pleased to announce that AspectJ 1.6.5 is now available for download.  Service refreshes of the 1.6 stream are released on a 3 month cycle and this is the second release of 2009.

The list of fixes can be found at here:

There are not as many fixes as there have been in the previous releases but there are some important fixes:

- Fixes for intertype declarations (including generic forms and incremental compilation of these), to support Spring Roo
- Fix for weaving with terracotta (271840)
- Fix to a long standing LTW wierd issue where ZipStream processing appears to crash (274896)
- Fixes for @DeclareMixin - including its usage across projects in AJDT.

AspectJ 1.6.5 is available at the download page (source jars are also available there):

And it may even be in maven central shortly !

Thanks to everyone that has helped by raising bugs and contributing testcases (and fixes!).

This release will be used in the imminent AJDT 2.0 release for Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5.

We are still collecting feedback on the LTW memory usage options under bug - see comment 34.  With enough positive feedback they will become the default.

The AspectJ team.

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