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[aspectj-users] Revamping simplified ITD syntax

Hi all AspectJ users.

There has been a discussion, about one year ago, about a simplified syntax for ITDs. The discussion then diverged in another thread about various ways of implementing ITD, which was not the original proposal made by Dave Whittaker.

During one more year of heavy ITD usage in my Apache "Magma" Lab, I had time to think about it much deeper, and concluded that the original Dave's idea is quite right, but could even be improved.

So I'm writing to ask your ideas and comments on what follows.

The problem is that the current syntax that AspectJ use to alter the Java type system (ITDs, but also declare parents, declare @xxx etc..) is perfect if you are modifying a large number of classes. For example, all classes annotated with such and such will implement this interface.

However, it is becoming more and more common the need to modify a single class, adding a few methods, or adding annotations to it. In fact annotations are becoming more and more important in Java programming, with lots of framework depending on them, and lots of JSRs being published to exploit annotations as much as possible. Having the ability to "add" annotation on a class on a separate aspect, which could be applied or not, is a very nice feature, but currently painful to obtain.

Think for example of applying JSR-303 validation annotations or JPA ones on existing code using current syntax. Since annotations will be different for each field, it is quite a pain and quite unreadable. The power of patterns is, in these case, useless and counterproductive.

Dave's case of declaring fields and methods on the interface then used in a declare parents, is a special and very common case of this situation.

So, taking from Dave's proposal of introducing a new "intertype" keyword, I'd like to put the bar a little higher and propose the introduction of the "on" keyword. Please note that this syntax is not a complete alternative to the existing one, but is a complementary syntax for the described use cases.

A simple example will give a quick idea of how it could work :

public class MyOldBean {
 private String name;
 private String surname;

 public MyOldBean(int i) { ... }

 public void doThat() { ... }

public aspect RevampMyOldBean {
 on MyOldBean implements NewInterface {
   // new field
   private String newField;

   // new constructor
   public MyOldBean(String _newfield) {
   // new method
   public String getNewField() {

   // Existing field
   on String name;

   // Existing method
   on void doThat();

   // Existing constructor
   on MyOndBean(int);

 // Dave's case
 on NewInterface {
   public void doThis() { ... }


If you think of how this has to be written with current syntax, you'll notice how less readable and more error prone it is. I'm not saying it will be necessarily "longer" in the sense of typing, except for Dave's case where there is an obvious reduction of typing, I'm thinking about readability and complexity more than mere number of keystrokes, but I'm pretty sure also number of keystrokes will be reduced.

Moreover, refactoring methods from inside a class to an ITD aspect (or the opposite) would be a matter of cut and paste.

I'm not a guru when it comes to formal language definition, but I think the "on" keyword could be defined like this :

on <Type> [extends <TypeList>][implements <TypeList>][ { <ITDBlock> }

   * Annotations declared before the "on" keyword have to be applied to
     the specified type and are interpreted as "declare @type"
   * The "extends" and "implements" clauses, if present, are to be
     applied to the specified type and are interpreted as "declare parents"
   * The ITDBlock will contain new methods and/or the second form of
     the on keyword.

The second form appear inside the ITDBlock of another "on" keyword.

on <MethodSig>|<FieldSig>|<ConstructorSig>;

   * Annotations declared before the "on" keyword have to be applied to
     the specified member and are interpreted as "declare @method" or
     "declare @field" or "declare @constructor"
   * Eventually, instead of signatures patterns could be used, given
     that a complete signature is a specialized form of pattern.

As you can see, this could be implemented as plain syntactical sugar, it could even be possible to write a set of regular expressions or a simple parser to convert from this new syntax to the current one.

I'd love to try to code this inside AspectJ, and make this my first real code contribution to the project.



Simone Gianni            CEO Semeru s.r.l.           Apache Committer

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