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[aspectj-users] SecurityException when LT weaving aspects in java.*

Hi all,

I just ran into an interesting problem:
I have an aspect java.util.aspects.HashTableAspect. The load-time weaver fails to weave this aspect with a security exception, because it uses URLClassLoader to load aspects, and this classloader ultimately delegates to a, which does not permit loading of classes in "java.*".

Now, just out of interest: Is there a particular reason why loading aspects in LTW has to be done by a URLClassLoader? Isn't the normal application classloader sufficient?


For those who wonder why I have such odd packages, I'm working on an automatic code generator that generates aspects from UML models. By default if there is a class x.y.C, then the corresponding aspect will be in package x.y.aspects. It is not a big deal to work around the security limitations, but it introduces yet another special case in my generator, which makes it more complicated.

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