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Re: [aspectj-users] Please help with weaving not finding my class problem

It appears that for some reason the classes to be woven are
(sometimes) getting loaded before Spring's application context is
initialized (which configures load-time weaving). You could try two
things (besides figuring out why is that class getting loaded sooner
and inconsistently).
1. Try AspectJ's load-time weaver i.e. use
-javaagent:/path/to/aspectjweaver.jar instead of spring-agent.jar (and
remove <context:load-time-weaver>).
2. Use compile-time weaving (it works). Recently there was a thread
showing how to configure Maven, so that may be a good place to start.


On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 7:35 AM,<> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a big problem using AspectJ and Spring, although I suspect this
> problem may be AspectJ-specific.  However, I can't be sure.
> I am trying to use Spring's @Configurable to add dependency injection to my
> domain objects. The reason I don't think I have a Spring issue is that I
> have this feature working fine - the one and only object that is being
> injected is working with the Spring aspect that comes out of the box.
> The problem I am having is that sometimes the AspectJ weaver does not "see"
> the object that I need weaved. When I turn on DEBUG in log4j, I sometimes
> see that my class isn't in the list of classes that the weaver is iterating
> through when it starts up. Do you know how this could happen? My class is
> obviously in the classpath, because it gets used in the tests or in the web
> container afterward.
> This happens in a variety of cases. When I test a class in
> project.domain.subpackage, the weaving works fine. If I even test the entire
> package with multiple test classes, it works great. However, when I test all
> the Test classes in project.domain.*, the weaver cannot find my class
> anymore. The same is true testing everything in project.*,
> project.controllers.*, etc.
> Before you say anything, I am using the exact jvm settings when I run JUnit,
> and the same thing happens when I test in Maven as well (so it's not IDE
> specific).
> This problem is annoying enough, but sometimes Tomcat calling aspectJ
> doesn't see the class either. I have to shut down and start up the server,
> hoping that each time aspectJ will weave the class I need it to. Right now,
> it's about a 30% success rate. Once AspectJ weaves my class, everything is
> golden.
> I can only assume that this is all the same problem. What could be causing
> this?
> These are the arguments I am passing into the JVM:
> -Xms256m -Xmx512m -javaagent:"C:\Documents and
> Settings\Username\.m2\repository\org\springframework\spring-agent\2.5.6.SEC01\spring-agent-2.5.6.SEC01.jar"
> This is my aop.xml:
> <aspectj>
>     <weaver options="-showWeaveInfo
> -XmessageHandlerClass:org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJWeaverMessageHandler">
>         <include within="jobprep.domain..*"/>
>         <exclude within="jobprep.domain..*CGLIB*"/>
>     </weaver>
> </aspectj>
> These are the spring application context lines to get it to work:
>     <context:annotation-config />
>     <context:spring-configured />
>     <context:load-time-weaver />
>     <context:component-scan
> base-package="jobprep.dao,jobprep.service,jobprep.domain.openended" />
> I really don't see what I'm doing wrong, and if I can't get this ramdom
> behaviour fixed... then I think I'm going to have to dump AOP/aspectJ
> completely. I really don't want to.
> Has anyone used @Configurable with compile-time weaving to good effect? If I
> can do this at compile time, I would LOVE to. I am only weaving 1 class, so
> the hit to compile time is a non-issue here.
> Please help.
> Ken
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