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[aspectj-users] AspectJ compile-time weaving in Maven not working


I was using AspectJ LTW in my Spring application to inject
dependencies in objects never created outside the Spring bean-factory.
I have decided to switch to CTW, but I can't seem to get it working
correctly in Eclipse or Maven. For Maven, I generally followed this

I added aspectjrt-1.6.4 and spring-aspects-2.5.4 as dependencies, plus:


Unfortunately, my dependencies never get injected when I boot up. I
also didn't notice any AspectJ-specific messages during the Maven

In Eclipse, I use the AspectJ plugin. I right-clicked on my existing
project and selected something like "Add AspectJ Capability" or
whatever it was. It then appeared with the little A on the icon. From
this point I tried building and running the projects as normal, and no
dependencies were injected. I then tried adding spring-aspects.jar to
my Aspects Path, but that didn't help either.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.


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