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[aspectj-users] Need help in intercepting session.setAttribute() in tomcat

I am using load time weaving in tomcat to weave an around advice on
session attribute get/set methods.
It is working as expected, except for the jsp:useBean tags like below.

<jsp:useBean id="list" class="java.util.ArrayList" scope="session"/>

My pointcut is:

pointcut setSessionAttribute(HttpSession session,String name, Object
value) :   target(session) && call(public void setAttribute(String,
Object)) && !within(HttpSessionScopeAspect) && args(name,value);

I have tried several combinations in aop.xml including following

   <include within="com..*" />
   <include within="javax..*" />
   <include within="org..*" />
   <include within="org.apache.jasper..*" />

But still haven't found a clue.

I have noticed that Tomcat's jsp compiler generates code like this for
<jsp:useBean>, where _jspx_page_context is an instance of

     java.util.ArrayList list= null;
     synchronized (session) {
       list = (java.util.ArrayList)
_jspx_page_context.getAttribute("list", PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);
       if (list == null){
         list = new java.util.ArrayList();
         _jspx_page_context.setAttribute("list", list,

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Tahir Akhtar

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