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[aspectj-users] ReferenceType.isCoerceableFrom question

I hope someone can help me understand what's going wrong (or let me know what additional information I need to provide).  I have an aspect where the pointcut seems to be advising code that it shouldn't be advising and it seems to be getting the ok from the isCoerceableFrom method in ReferenceType.  I'm using aspectJ 1.6.4 with LTW.

My aspect is defined with:

   @Pointcut("(execution (* *.get*()) && this(com.sabre.liberty.user.EPR))")

   @Pointcut("(execution (* *.is*()) && this(com.sabre.liberty.user.EPR))")

   @Around(value = "monitorEprGetMethod() || monitorEprIsMethod()")

The pointcut should only be applied to instances of "com.sabre.liberty.user.EPR" and its subclasses.  Unfortunately it seems to be getting applied to almost any getter such as:

[TomcatInstrumentableClassLoader@18346a3] weaveinfo Join point 'method-execution(java.util.List com.sabre.liberty.web.RequestTypeRegistry.getRequestTypes())' in Type 'com.sabre.liberty.web.RequestTypeRegistry' ( advised by around advice from 'com.sabre.liberty.modules.util.greenbeans.IceDebugAspect' ( [with runtime test]
[TomcatInstrumentableClassLoader@18346a3] weaveinfo Join point 'method-execution(java.lang.Object com.sabre.liberty.web.RequestTypeRegistry.getDefaultRequestType())' in Type 'com.sabre.liberty.web.RequestTypeRegistry' ( advised by around advice from 'com.sabre.liberty.modules.util.greenbeans.IceDebugAspect' ( [with runtime test]

The class "com.sabre.liberty.web.RequestTypeRegistry" extends Object and implements no interfaces.  The interface "com.sabre.liberty.user.EPR" extends no other interfaces.

It appears that the method ReferenceType.isCoerceableFrom is the one that allows the methods to be advised.  The command in the method isCoerceableFrom has the comment "true iff the statement "this = (ThisType) other" would compile" which would never be the case since none of the methods overlap (I guess a subclass could implement the interface and define the methods, but the advice would always be applied to the subclass and never this class).  Why would this method decide that one was coerceable to the other?  The stacktrace below was while seeing if the advice "@Around(value = "monitorEprGetMethod() || monitorEprIsMethod()")" should be applied to "com.sabre.liberty.web.RequestTypeRegistry.getRequestTypes()".  The method returns true.

Thread [main] (Suspended)   
    ReferenceType.isCoerceableFrom(ResolvedType) line: 298   
    ExactTypePattern.matchesInstanceof(ResolvedType) line: 177   
    ExactTypePattern(TypePattern).matches(ResolvedType, TypePattern$MatchKind) line: 150   
    ThisOrTargetPointcut.matchInternal(Shadow) line: 113   
    ThisOrTargetPointcut(Pointcut).match(Shadow) line: 146   
    AndPointcut.matchInternal(Shadow) line: 54   
    AndPointcut(Pointcut).match(Shadow) line: 146   
    AndPointcut.matchInternal(Shadow) line: 52   
    AndPointcut(Pointcut).match(Shadow) line: 146   
    OrPointcut.matchInternal(Shadow) line: 53   
    OrPointcut(Pointcut).match(Shadow) line: 146   
    BcelAdvice(ShadowMunger).match(Shadow, World) line: 79   
    BcelAdvice(Advice).match(Shadow, World) line: 112   
    BcelAdvice.match(Shadow, World) line: 145   
    BcelClassWeaver.match(BcelShadow, List) line: 3025   
    BcelClassWeaver.match(LazyMethodGen) line: 2499   
    BcelClassWeaver.weave() line: 480   
    BcelClassWeaver.weave(BcelWorld, LazyClassGen, List, List, List, boolean) line: 103   
    BcelWeaver.weave(UnwovenClassFile, BcelObjectType, boolean) line: 1735   
    BcelWeaver.weaveWithoutDump(UnwovenClassFile, BcelObjectType) line: 1696   
    BcelWeaver.weaveAndNotify(UnwovenClassFile, BcelObjectType, IWeaveRequestor) line: 1458   
    BcelWeaver.weave(IClassFileProvider) line: 1272   
    ClassLoaderWeavingAdaptor(WeavingAdaptor).getWovenBytes(String, byte[]) line: 423   
    ClassLoaderWeavingAdaptor(WeavingAdaptor).weaveClass(String, byte[], boolean) line: 286   
    Aj.preProcess(String, byte[], ClassLoader) line: 95   
    ClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter.transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) line: 52   
    AspectJWeavingEnabler$AspectJClassBypassingClassFileTransformer.transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) line: 92   
    InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver$FilteringClassFileTransformer.transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) line: 181   
    TransformerManager.transform(ClassLoader, String, Class, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) line: not available   
    InstrumentationImpl.transform(ClassLoader, String, Class, ProtectionDomain, byte[], boolean) line: not available   
    ClassLoader.defineClass1(String, byte[], int, int, ProtectionDomain, String) line: not available [native method]   
    TomcatInstrumentableClassLoader(ClassLoader).defineClass(String, byte[], int, int, ProtectionDomain) line: not available   
    TomcatInstrumentableClassLoader(SecureClassLoader).defineClass(String, byte[], int, int, CodeSource) line: not available   

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