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Re: [aspectj-users] Ajdoc-Ant-Task Source Level Problems

Ok, with 1.6 this works for me, too. Sorry, I didn't mention that the project has been developed using AspectJ 1.5.4. Since it does work with 1.6, I think upgrading shouldn't be a problem here.

kind regards

Andy Clement schrieb:
ok, I have this setup:

src/foo/ ----
package foo;
/** A comment */
public @interface A{

and this build.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="foo" default="doc">
<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/"/>
  <target name="doc" >
      <ajdoc destdir="docoutput" srcdir="src">

It fails with:

    [ajdoc] > Calling ajc...
[ajdoc] F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\src\foo\ [error] Syntax error, annotation declarations are only available if source level is 5.0
    [ajdoc] public @interface A{

I then change the build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="foo" default="doc">
<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/"/>
  <target name="doc" >
      <ajdoc destdir="docoutput" srcdir="src" source="1.5">

and it works fine:
    [ajdoc] > Calling ajc...
    [ajdoc] > Building signature files...
    [ajdoc] > Calling javadoc...
[ajdoc] Loading source file F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\ajdocworkingdir\foo\
    [ajdoc] Constructing Javadoc information...
    [ajdoc] Standard Doclet version 1.5.0_15
    [ajdoc] Building tree for all the packages and classes...
[ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\foo/\A.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\foo/\package-frame.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\foo/\package-summary.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\foo/\package-tree.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\constant-values.html...
    [ajdoc] Building index for all the packages and classes...
[ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\overview-tree.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\index-all.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\deprecated-list.html...
    [ajdoc] Building index for all classes...
[ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\allclasses-frame.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\allclasses-noframe.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\index.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\help-doc.html... [ajdoc] Generating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\stylesheet.css...
    [ajdoc] > Decorating html files...
[ajdoc] > Decorating F:\workspaces\aspectj16_2\tests\bugs164\ajdoc\docoutput\foo\A.html...
    [ajdoc] > Removing generated tags...
    [ajdoc] > Finished.

what are you doing differently to me? and what is the actual error you see?


2009/1/19 Tobias Demuth <tobias.demuth@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tobias.demuth@xxxxxxxxxx>>


    'source' was my first guess too. I tried 'source="1.5"' and
    'source="5.0"', but none of them works. Here is my task, 'prepare'
    just creates some folders:

    <!-- Generates the documentation -->
      <target name="doc" depends="prepare">
                      <dirset dir="${SOURCE_LOC}">
                          <include name="**/**" />
                          <exclude name="**/test/**" />

    Andy Clement schrieb:

        Hi Tobias,

        The Ant tasks haven't had many updates lately - but they
        should all be working just fine.  Does the attribute 'source'
        not work for you?  I'm not setup to try it right now but from
        the code (not the doc...) it looks like 'source="1.5"' ought
        to work as it just gets passed onto the internals as "-source
        1.5".  If that doesn't work, let me know and we'll sort it
        out.  Really I ought to at least make ajc/ajdoc (and their ant
        tasks) default to 1.5 now, if not 1.6...


        2009/1/17 Tobias Demuth <tobias.demuth@xxxxxxxxxx


           I'm trying to document my project using the ajdoc-ant-task.
           Apparently ajdoc does a rebuild of my source-files in order to
           document them. This step fails, because ajdoc uses source-level
           1.4, but I'm using Java 5. I didn't find any attribute for
           this in the documentation (maybe looking at the wrong
        place?). So,
           what can I do? Are the ant-tasks under current development?
        Or is
           everyone so eager using Maven that nobody wants to support good
           old Ant?

           thanks in advance,
           aspectj-users mailing list



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