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Re: [aspectj-users] Extending standard java classes

On Dec 2, 2008, at 3:17 PM, Tassilo Horn wrote:

Hi all,

I'm pretty new to AOP, so please excuse me if this is a FAQ, but at
least I grepped the FAQs and didn't find an answer. :-)

What I want to do is to add an interface to some classes.  From the
documentation I can see how that's done, but unfortunately I want to add
this interface to about 10 classes from java.lang and java.util.

When I did that I got warnings that the affected types aren't exposed to
the weaver.  So I added the JRE System Library to the *inpath*.  But
then I don't have enough memory to run the aspectj compiler.

You could simply edit ajc script and change the -Xmx param (e.g. - Xmx1G)

So is there a way to pick only the 10 classes I need out of the library?

One way is to unjar the rt.jar on a directory, and then make your own jar with the classes you need, and weave them.

 Something like
 mkdir JDK
 cd JDK
 jar xvf $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar
 jar cvf myrt.jar java/lang/... java/util/...

Then you weave myrt.jar and finally pass the woven myrt.jar to - Xbootclasspath/p:



Thanks for any pointers,

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