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[aspectj-users] Re: custom Tracing using LTW and java 1.4

I apologize for the mistakes I have made in the previous email:
I am using:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 3:14 PM, epro etc <epro66@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to configure custom Tracing using LTW with java 1.4.
As a reference, I use

All of my aspects are packed in a separate jar file and each log message from the jar file is logged
to a separate log file (custom.log) using java.util.Logging utility.

My goal is to include all Trace messages into this custom.log file. I have implemented
CustomTraceFactory which is using CustomTrace.
1. When specifying:
       ....... (other trace properties)
       org.aspectj.tracing.file=D:\custom.log (this is the same log I use to log jar file messages)

      In the custom.log file I can only see Trace messages(not the messages from my jar file). But, what is bothering
      me the most is that, messages are formatted like using DefaultTrace. I assume that my CustomTraceFactory
      can not be loaded and by default aj is using DeafultTraceFactory.

I was not able to find any message saying which factory aj is using. I guess something is wrong with my
configuration. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Dusanoski Pero

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