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Re: [aspectj-users] Custom Autoboxing

This is not possible.  Boolean is a final class, and so MyBoolean
cannot be a subclass of it.  The return type of around advice must be
the original type (or a narrowing of it) because it must be statically
type safe wherever the advice is applied.  Therefore the advice you
wrote can not compile.


On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Keith Kowalczykowski <keith@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>    I'm new to the list, so I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask
> such questions. I have searched the list, and googled around, but have not
> found any information about my question yet.
> I'm wondering if it is possible to implement some sort of custom autoboxing
> using aspectj. For example sake, lets say:
>  MyBoolean b = true;
> Where MyBoolean is a custom implementation of essentially java.lang.Boolean
> (I know this is pretty pointless, but its just for example sake).
> Intuitively, it seems like this should be completely possible, as I could
> declare a pointcut on the set of MyBoolean, and then declare around advice
> which takes the boolean and returns a MyBoolean. The problem, however, is I
> still get a compiler error that "boolean is not assignable to MyBoolean".
> So I'm wondering if anyone point me in the right direction if 1) what I'm
> saying is even possible and 2) if so, what I'm missing.
>  Thanks,
>     Keith
> Here is a quick aspect I've written to test this:
>    pointcut setBool(boolean newval): set(MyBoolean *) && args(newval);
>   MyBoolean around(boolean val) : setBool(val)
>    {
>       return new MyBoolean(val);
>    };
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