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Re: [aspectj-users] infinite recursion warning with cflow

Hi Alex.

Using the AspectBench Compiler you can write a tracematch that does
that. Using plain AspectJ that's hard to do. You would have to use a
combination of pieces of advice, if-pointcuts and counters.


2008/9/29 Alex Villazon <alex.villazon@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
>   Is it possible to write an aspect that prints a message after a giving
> number of recursive invocations.. and warns that there is a potential
> infinite recursion?
>   Or is there any mean to check for example if there is a given sequence of
> calls in the control flow?
>   Can I write a pointcut that captures the control flow only when X.f was
> called 3 times before Y.g?
> Many thanks
> Alex
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Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group
McGill University, Montréal, Canada

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