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[aspectj-users] using -javaagent (aj5)

Hello all,
    I am trying to implement a simple test aspect to use load time weaving.  I have a simple java program ( and a simple aspect (World.aj).  I used >>javac to compile the java program to Hello.class.  I then used >>ajc World.aj -outjar World.jar to compile the aspect to World.jar.  I then created a folder called META-INF and in that folder I created aop.xml.  I then added META-INF to my CLASSPATH variable.  I set ASPECTPATH to work_dir/World.jar.  If I type >>aj Hello the weaving takes place.  If I type  >>aj5 Hello the weaving does not take place.  I tried to write a bogus aop.xml file and nothing changed.  What am I doing wrong?  Does someone have step by step instructions for using aj5?  The documentation does not make sense to me on the AspectJ website.  Specifically, I need to understand the usage of the -javaagent (that is what aj5 does) because I will be using aspectJ on Tomcat and cannot run aj or aj5.

Thanks so much!

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