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[aspectj-users] problem in cflow point cut while using aspectj using ajdt tool for eclispe version 3.1.2

Dear All, 
I am new in aspectJ programming and currently  am evaluating it for using it
in my one of the coming project. 
I  want use following point cut in my aspect:- 

pointcut Tracing() :  (execution( public void ccc.ClassName2.*())); 
pointcut flow() : cflow(Tracing()) && within(ccc.*) ; 

the flow() pont cut used in before advice like this :- 

before() :flow() 
                        System.out.println("entering: "+thisJoinPoint ); 


The follwoing problem I am getting : 
 1. I  am getting warning at the compile time that 
 " can not build join point lazily for this advice since it has no suitable
 2. At run time I am getting  following error :- 
      "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError" 

can any one help me out what is the problem how it can be solved. I am using 
ajdt tool for eclipse version 
best regards, 
Ajay Kumar 
ST Microelectronics Ltd
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